
a beautiful life starts with a beautiful mind

what I can offer you

A psychological – philosophical – pedagogical multidimensional perspective
self-knowledge, transformation and self-empowerment

therapies & treatments

Knowledge is power, knowledge about oneself is self-empowerment

individual sessions

(Also via Skype or Zoom)

Clinical Psychology
Whole-Self Psychology, Philisophy & Education
Hypno Therapy
Regression Therapy
A year to discover yourself!
Preparation for birth and parenthood

Our emotions are the end product of our past experiences and when we share them with others, we learn to understand, govern and use them to our advantage

group sessions

Clinical Psychology
Whole-Self Psychology, Philisophy & Education
Hypno Group Therapy
Regression Therapy
Difficulties originated by Migration
Discovery, Recovery and Expression of Creative Powers and Abilities
Heal Yourself by Rewriting the Stories of your Life
Preparation for birth and parenthood

Whole-Self Psychology, Philosophy and Education

The basic concept of this school of thought is the Whole-Self. This is a concept that represents and encompasses all dimensions of the Self, hence, it includes:

The physical or somatic Self
The mental or cognitive Self
The emotional or affective Self
The spiritual or intuitive Self

Hypno Analysis and Hypno Group Analysis

Hypno Analysis and Hypno Group Analysis offer the opportunity to regress and relive relevant life experiences, to verbalize, decode and analyze emotional experiences, which, remaining unconscious and unknown, can interfere and condition any area of life. During the intra-uterine phase of life, the mother’s personal unresolved issues can be unconsciously…

Pre and Perinatal Psychology

Starting from the consideration that everything stems from birth, or better still, from conception, the intra-uterine period of life is a crucial period of psycho-biological imprinting during which our personality and our style of attachment are determined. It is in this sensitive and unique stage that our brain and our nervous system of future humanity are developed…

The Psychology of Migration

Immigration is an important phenomenon in our society. It is important both as a source of new meanings and as an explicatory factor of the contradictions of modern western societies.Integration, multiculturalism, tolerance have become basic terms and concepts, but many studies and research projects reveal that the many deep-set…


All our meetings are confidential and information is protected.


I guarantee only 100 % professional high quality services.

work experience

I have 20 years of experience in private practice, working with people from different cultures, all walks of life and with different kinds of problems.

support & reliability

I am always ready to support you and will never leave you alone in a difficult moment. If I should not answer your call immediately, I shall always call you back as soon as I am free.


Hello! I am
Smilja Janjatovic

I was born in ex Yugoslavia, where I lived for the first six years, then my father became a United Nations expert and our family moved to Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, where I grew up in a big and very stimulating international community. In adolescence I returned to my home country and gained my Highschool Diploma, graduating with a thesis on Thomas Moore’s “Utopia”.

After my highschool graduation, I studied modern languages (English, French and Italian) at the Universities of Perugia (It), Dijon (Fr), and Cambridge (UK) and I specialized at the Superior School for Translators and Interpreters of Rome. A second degree followed in Clinical and Comunity Psychology, at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, with a thesis on “Life Crisis”, with the renowned Prof. Aldo Carotenuto and Prof. Donata Francescato. I also have a specialisation in Reichian Analysis and am an expert in pre and perinatal psychology, in empowerment, hypno and hypno-group analysis, regressive techniques, migration psychology.

Work experience: 

  1. FAO (UN Food and Agricultural Organization) 
  2. Free lance interpreter and translator for English, Italian, French and Serbian.
  3. Psychologist at the Ist Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the Policlinic Umberto I°, University of Rome “La Sapienza” , where I practiced Individual therapy, Therapy for couples, Family therapy, Multiple Family therapy, Psycho-social group therapy, Group analysis, Hypno-group analysis, seminars on prenatal psychology, pregnancy, childbirth, post-partum therapy, sterility problems, infertility, amenorhea, anorexia, bulimia, menopause, development in adolescence, abortion, premature birth, in vitro pregnancy, surgery, oncology.
  4. Teacher for ANEP Italia (ISPPE – International School for Prenatal and Perinatal Education).
  5. Psychologist and cultural mediator in the field of Aids and STD Prevention for the Region of Lazio. Italy and the Regional Epidemiological Observatory, on Prevention and in the Fight Against the Trafficking of Human Beings for the Province of Rome, Dept. for Social and Family Policies, the Municipality of Rome and the Ministry for Equal Opportunities, as Consultant and cultural mediator for the Coop. Magliana ’80 for the CNCA and ECE project for immigrant women.
  6. Consultant and coordinator for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in connection with the Psychological and Trauma Response (PTR) in Serbia – reduction of psycho-social and mental health suffering among refugees and IDPs and their cultural integration in former Yugoslavia.
  7. Senior Advisor to the Head of the Psychosocial and Cultural Integration Unit of OIM (International Organization for Migration) and Project Officer for the PTRS (Post Traumatic Response in Serbia) project.
  8. IOM trainer for the National Asylum Programme.
  9. Private practice as Clinical and Community Psychologist as well as in the fields of my expertise.
  10. Co-director for Italy of the International Whole-Self Institute.
  11. Founder and President of Noesi.

Smilja Janjatovic

Professional Psychologist


By Smilja Janjatovic

Life is a unique opportunity. We do not get the chance to do it again but every choice and every action has a ripple effect that shapes our reality… Read More

By Smilja Janjatovic

For thousands of years, human beings have been telling stories. Before the invention of writing, everything was passed on through stories… Read More

By Smilja Janjatovic

Healing is a job, our job. Our work of healing so that we can have a better life. That is what we all want… Read More

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