Discovery, Recovery and
Expression of Creative Power

Anything We Are Able To Imagine, We Are Capable Of Doing

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Any action, conscious or unconscious, thought or experienced, theoretical or concrete is possible only if imagined, desired and, therefore, wanted because imagined. Any somatic function or behavior cannot disregard a previous brain function and a previous motivation and mental function, but, nothing can disregard imagination”. (Prof. Mario Scardino)

Many of us would like to be more creative, many feel they are, but don’t know how to express this creativity. Our dreams escape us. Our lives, sometimes, appear flat. We often have great ideas, magnificent dreams, but we are unable to put them into practice. Although there are no magical and miraculous means of solving difficulties, it is possible to learn to discover, recover and express one’s creativity which allows us to find “our” solutions.

How can creativity be learned? 

Since creative ability is innate to all, it is not a question of learning creativity, but of learning to allow oneself to be creative.

This approach is essentially an intuitive approach, where creativity will be used together with specific tools, imaginative terms and archetypes, the basis of our psychic functioning.  

It is a cultural and artistic approach, but it is not necessarily addressed to artists. It does not matter how old you are, or what path of life you have chosen, whether art is your profession or just a hobby or a dream. It is never too late or senseless to work on one’s creativity. The result may not be an artistic career, but it will certainly lead to greater integrity, greater awareness of oneself and greater ability to use one’s talents, one’s skills and abilities, one’s knowledge appropriately to one’s advantage.

Creativity is inherent to our nature and, if there is a blockage to creativity – and, I think, to some extent, we all have some blockage – it is possible, even probable, that with the use of appropriate tools, we can identify these blocks, get rid of it and learn to express ourselves creatively and with satisfaction. With exercise, new synapses are created, new creative paths in consciousness, through which our creative forces can finally manifest themselves more freely.

In working with the specific tools, which we will learn to use in the coming months, many changes will be initiated; the main one of these will trigger synchronicity. Synchronicity is a term introduced by Carl Gustav Jung in 1950 to describe a connection between psychic or objective events that take place simultaneously or at different times – one of which is current and the other future – among which, although there is no obvious cause-effect relationship, an evident commonality of meaning appears.

Creativity is the natural order of life, but what is life? It is a question that in the course of human history the best minds of humanity have asked themselves, without however being able to give a comprehensive answer. I think, however, that we will not be wrong if we say that life is energy, creative energy of life energy.

I believe we can all agree that there is an innate and inherent creative force in every life form – including ourselves. When we open up to our creativity, we open up to this force. We ourselves are creations and we, in turn, give continuity to creativity by creating.

When we explore our creativity, we enter the natural flow of life, opening up to our natural creativity gently, but powerfully, initiating many changes.

Our creative dreams and needs come from a deep source and when we move towards them, we actually go to a source of our well-being.

In addition to weekly meetings, this research also includes homework. Most of these tasks are require only a little of your time. If you are unable to complete all the tasks, try to do at least half of them, you can return to the others when you have more time. Choose the tasks you like the most and the ones you don’t like, leaving the neutral ones for another moment. Remember that what we are most resistant to is precisely what we most need to deal with and, sooner or later, we will have to face it. Do you find it too difficult to find an hour a day, or, possibly more, Do you find it too difficult to find? Ask yourself if it is possible and right that you are not worth an hour of your time? Is it possible and right not to find an hour to devote to a path of self-knowledge that can give extraordinary results, if not actually change your life?

Remember that what we are most resistant to is precisely what we most need to deal with and, sooner or later, we should face it. An hour, or, possibly, more, a day, do you find it too difficult to find? So ask yourself if it is possible and right that you are not worth an hour of your time? Is it possible and right not to find an hour to devote to a path of self-knowledge that can give extraordinary results, if not actually change the trajectory of your life?

It is not a completely painless path; During the first few weeks, there may be moments of unbelief, bewilderment, anger, mourning, resistance, alternating with hope, joy, even euphoria. It is as if giving birth to a new ourselves and, like childbirth, it will be a sequence of contractions and expansions, in which we experience defensive skepticism and intense contentment. You may also feel a strong urge to give it all up and go back to your former life – it’s time for negotiations. It is a crucial moment because choosing to go forward leads to an important surrender of the ego, followed by the birth of a new sense of self, characterized by greater autonomy, greater resilience, and greater ability to make and manifest real creative projects.

It is an emotionally a very intense path. When we engage in the recovery of our creativity we enter a process of withdrawal, of detachment, as in meditation, for example. This distancing us allows us to have a global vision of our existence, facilitating the choice of our creative path. It is a bit like going across difficult but fascinating environments to reach a higher position, from which to enjoy a spectacular panorama.

The meetings are themed and two 90-minute meetings will be dedicated to each theme. The entire experience will last 50 weeks, with weekly encounters and will end with an experiential weekend.