about noesi
What is noesi? Why did I choose this name for my site?
I am a psychologist and my work consists in helping people to overcome their difficulties and live the lives they choose for themselves.
There are many techniques, methods, ways to do this and often they go under the term psychotherapy. This word automatically implies that the person I am working with is in some way psychologically ill and needs a cure. This is essentially medical approach and as such inevitably standardized, but, as we all know and acknowledge, there are no two human beings that are exactly the same, so how can we apply standardized cures for the human psyche since it cannot be standardized?
I do not consider the people who come to me asking for help as in any way ill. They are only people who want a hand in finding an explanation to some particular situation or condition and are looking for a possible positive solution. That is why I do not see my work as any form of medical intervention, but rather as an art, a healing cultural process of discovery and disclosure which, thanks to our deep inborn knowledge births our true self.
The concept of noesi (in Greek νόησις), which dates back to the philosophy of Aristoteles and Plato, refers to a deep inborn knowledge that is in a way the foundation of our psyche and that is why I find that it embodies and conveys precisely the sense of my goal, hence the choice of the name noesi for my site.
Although we are completely unaware of this inborn knowledge, it is possible to access these realms of our being to reach greater awareness and knowledge of ourselves and fuller expression of our natural potential.
Only when we can express our true nature can we feel satisfied and at peace.