Do we really want to spend our entire life trying to live up to what others expect of us and die without ever having truly lived a life of our own?
We have all been criticized sometime, other times we have been praised, but now it all belongs to the past. We can, however, choose to remember and what to remember, so, why do we sometimes choose to remember negative comments?
What matters is not so much the experiences in themselves as how we experience them, what matters is the meaning we have attributed to our experiences. Just as we can choose to think about things past, even to live in the past, we can also change the meanings we attribute to things past. Since our subconscious mind does not distinguish between real concrete things and those only imagined and considers them equally true, why than not choose an advantageous reading of past events?
Our subconscious, the most powerful and absolutely predominant part of our mind, knows only ourselves, only our own feelings, emotions and thoughts and accepts those of others only when we decide to accept them and make them our own. But then, why not stop measuring our worth by other people’s measures and opinions? If we stopped caring so much about what others think of us we would be less likely to do stupid things because the desire to impress others often leads to making stupid choices. Feeling accepted and appreciated reassures us and therefore it is natural to want to be liked and it is also true that seeking the approval of others can be a positive stimulus, but let us remember that our mind, at those subconscious levels where we check all the information we have and decide what to do, does not distinguish between what is real and what is only imagined and that consequently our greatest strengths are ours alone and do not come to us from the outside.
We can now understand that the most important thing of all is to appreciate and love ourselves. Accepting ourselves unconditionally leads to the sense of peace and love that we all seek and need to be well physically and psychologically.
We are here in this life only once and can be ourselves only now.