The tuning fork method

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Carl Sagan said that the universe is one big mind and that the constellations form filaments that resemble the neural network of a brain; poetically, he said ‘We are made of stardust’.

By now we all know that everything is energy and therefore everything is vibration. We ourselves are energy in circulation. As energy, we are attracted to similar energy currents, as when neurons form neural networks to give us the opportunity to get what we want, what we are interested in.

To be rich, for example, we have to be in tune with the neural network of abundance; if we want to be happy, we have to be in tune with the neural network of happiness.

But how?

One method that works is the vibrational tuning fork method.

Using this example as a metaphor, each one of us is a tuning fork, the guitar the life you manifest, and the action on the strings our actions that cause the sound of the tuning fork to coincide with that of the guitar; depending on how it vibrates, our life will be tuned in one tone or in another and we will live in one way or another.

Life is a mystery that cannot be predicted but we are obsessed with the desire to be in control. It is this desire that makes life an out-of-tune version of what it should be and that, perhaps, makes us out of tune.

We have an idea of success that cannot match everyone’s individual reality because every person is different and what makes one person happy may have no effect on another. In reality, we do not know exactly what could make us achieve happiness, but we can still attract it by becoming an emotional tuning fork in tune with what we desire, such as happiness for example.

It is about vibrating every day with the emotion we would feel if we had what we dream and believe would make us happy. Please read this sentence again!…

In other words, if you want to be rich, you have to feel happy even before you have your million in your pocket!

Of course, it is not easy to close your eyes and imagine living in the penthouse of a five-star hotel when you actually live, perhaps, in a suburban studio apartment and the best meal of the day is at McDonald’s, but all I ask of you is to imagine how you would feel if you had a million in the bank and try to keep this feeling for a while every day.

By holding that feeling inside for a while every day, your mind and body, which are not stupid and love to feel good, will start looking for a way to keep feeling that way and, as the weeks go by, your thoughts will change and you will chase that emotion like a hunting dog chases the trail of its prey; in your case, happiness.

You will begin to think and act, to ‘tune your guitar’ according to that feeling, the sound of the tuning fork, and this will lead you to experience situations that will enhance that emotion, the guitar playing in the same key as the tuning fork, and to discard anything that takes you away from it.

Coherence will allow you to match what you want in your life in order to be happy, tuning your emotions, thoughts and intentions to convey a message, to resonate, or vibrate, with the same vibration as your goal to manifest it in your life.

The first thing to do is to think every day a little bit as if your life were what you want it to be. This first step generates a chain effect: your thoughts and emotions, which are always consistent with each other, express themselves through your actions, which will lead you to the life you desire and deserve.

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